Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Big Snore

Oh my.  This is unexpected.  Of all the things I was worried might go wrong with me and Ricky, snoring is not one of them.  My snoring, that is.  It's not like Ricky and I never spent the night together before we lived together.  We spent the night together all the time.  But maybe now we're in our own bed (vs. his or mine) and I'm sleeping better or more comfortably or I'm just dog tired these days, but my snoring has been literally keeping Ricky awake nights.

Women aren't supposed to be the snorers.  Ricky does snore, but it's a light snore that I've only heard a few times and it certainly hasn't ever woken me up.  But apparently, I am snoring like a drunken, 300 pound sailor.  This is so not sexy.  I have always snored, but infrequently and only when extremely overtired, resulting in unconscious-like sleep mode.  And normally when I snore I can hear myself snoring, readjust and stop.  The other night, I could hear myself snoring, alright.  It sounded more like a grizzly bear with a sinus problem than an actual human, but it was definitely me.  And it was so bad it was disturbing my sleep. I was eventually able to stop myself, but judging from the pillow over Ricky's head when we woke up the next morning, the stoppage was only temporary.

That same night, he headbutted me twice, and elbowed me in the face (while sleeping!).  It was awful! So much so I had to wonder if our sleep was mirroring some terrible thing that was going on under the surface of our relationship.  But the next day, we talked about it.  I'm now sleeping with my head more elevated, which seems to be helping (or maybe after so many sleepless nights, he's now too tired to be kept awake by anything, even my bear snores).  And he's been so extra sweet and lovely - I think Breathe Right strips may be in my future, but it'll take more than snoring to come between us.


whateveryouwantittosay said...

Sounds good if snoring is the only thing! Well, and the occasional headbutt and 'bow to the head. He does it out of love, that's what my ex told me. Okay, just kidding.

Do you snore on your side? Sometimes I snore, but that, and taking antihistimines (allergies are often the culprit) can help.

Anonymous said...

is this also something a doctor can help with? make some suggestions? or would you have to do that overnite sleeping lab thing (cause then don't do it)

YoFranny said...

It's actually gotten better. I've started elevating my head more when I sleep, plus the allergy season is ending so I'm less congested. So we've almost conquered the snoring issue... Sidenote: the other night he was snoring so loudly it woke me up! He doesn't think he ever snores so I took a video of him with my cell phone and showed it to him the next day. :)