Sunday, April 3, 2011

Men, Men Everywhere (yes, even there!) Part One

I received a question from a single woman in Los Angeles asking for my opinion, as someone who has lived on both coasts, where it is easiest to meet men.  She's considering moving east and one reason is her desire to meet a man. 

Lately I'm hearing a lot of women complaining about a dearth of men - in the city where they live, in the places where they work, where they hang out, etc.  Before I get into the east coast vs. west coast debate, I thought I'd post a "vintage" yofranny post from a now-defunct blog I wrote in 2009.  I think that it addresses the "man shortage" issue in general...

Like most women of my generation, I am a fan of the TV show Sex and the City. Much has been said of the unreality of the designer clothes and the amount of time these career women had to sit around and kvetch about their man woes.  For me, the thing that struck me as most unrealistic about the show was how easily all of the characters met men.

Men are, of course, everywhere.  They're on the subway, in the supermarket, at the movie theater, the gym, the dentist's office - everywhere.  But are attractive, available men who want to date me everywhere?  I have had my Sex and the City moments.  I've gone out with men I've met at yoga, in line at the deli and sitting next to me at a restaurant.  So I know it can happen, it just seems to happen so rarely.

I recognize the possibility that it's me.  Not my physical attractiveness - that is what it is, and I'm going to be some men's cup of tea and not others.  That I can live with.  But perhaps it is my mindset - my expectation that men are not everywhere, even though they are plainly all around me.  Maybe I just need to open my eyes and keep them aimed in the direction of the attractive/interesting guy browsing the dairy section and think to myself, "What would Carrie do?"  Most likely, she would smile, look away coyly and then back again.  I think I can manage that.  We'll see how it goes.

Maybe all the single ladies out there should give that a try too!

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