Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Neglectful Blogger

Perhaps you've noticed my prolonged absence from the interwebs (actually, been yakking it up on Twitter - it's much less time-consuming!).  I apologize, to you and to myself, because I actually do love to blog.  My life has been unusually and unrelentingly hectic as of late.  All is very well, no worries! But enough excuses!

I have a few long overdue advice requests.  The first comes from Saara:

How do you deal when you can't stand your fiance's family?

Yikes.  That can be a problem.  I suppose it depends.  Now when you say you can't stand them, what level of "can't stand" do you mean?  Is it Amy Adams in "The Fighter" getting into a brawl with Mark Wahlberg's sisters after being called a skank?  Because if it's that bad, I suggest moving to a different city, or perhaps a restraining order.  If there is no actual flinging of slurs or press-on nails, consider yourself lucky!  It could be worse.  

Seriously, though - I do know that this can be a major problem.  Since you are getting married (congratulations, by the way!) his family will soon be your family too.  Which means that you are stuck with them and that there is a level of acceptance that you have to embrace for your own sanity.  None of this is to say that you should put up with poor treatment or that you should have to spend every weekend at your in-laws. But if they treat you well (or at least as well as they treat each other) you know that their behavior isn't personal.  Knowing that might be able to give you perspective to rise about whatever it is about them you find irritating.  And if they don't treat you well, I think you are perfectly entitled to turn to your fiance for protection.  After all, he's stuck with them too.  But he chose you. 

Good luck! 

1 comment:

saaara said...

Thanks for the advice! Things are looking better with the future in-laws, I'm just learning to not read into their wackiness too much and keep an open mind. Like you said, they are going to be my family very soon :)