Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Plot. Scheme. Repeat.

Every night
I have the same dream
I'm hatching some plot
Scheming some scheme
Oh yeah...

- No Line on the Horizon, by U2

Finding someone new to crush on is so exciting to me.  I had forgotten just how exciting.  There's that sweet spot of time before you really know each other, when the possibility of what that person might be to you stretches your imagination to envision bliss.  I love a project, and a new man is a project.  Identifying the next new man, or at least a potential one, is half the fun, isn't it?  What will I do to catch his eye?  What will I do once I've caught it?  I'm a firm believer in letting the guy make the first move.  But of course I have to do my part by making myself...inviting.  Not always a simple task since I'm constantly told I'm "intimidating" (read: tall, not easily impressed, aloof at times, blah blah blah).

So today, I found someone hot and extremely promising.  In order to make myself "un-intimidating", I tossed off my bulky cardigan and scarf at record speed to reveal a lovely dress underneath, smiled and actually posed, all for this new man's benefit.  The good news is, he definitely noticed.  The project is underway!  This is very early stages, so early yet I'm not even giving him a name.  By the end of the week, I may have abandoned this particular project.  It's too soon to tell.  But in the meantime, this is fun and will definitely consume some of my time over the next couple of days.

I can be such a handful, I almost feel sorry for my new guy, whoever he may be.  I am great in many ways but I am also a pain in the butt.  But that's OK - even in my wildest fantasy that's the most I can dream him to be, too.


Anonymous said...

is coldplay better than U2?

curious said...

totally diggin this blog. and to answer the question i'd say coldplay is like U2 light... less filling and still tastes great.

YoFranny said...

Anonymous- I'm on to you!!! Curious, U2 is like flying first class and Coldplay is like premium economy.