Monday, March 8, 2010

Coming Clean and Editor's Note

A friend of mine asked me what my love interest, "Larry" thought of my blog. When I told her he didn't know about it, I realized that was kind of odd. After all, we know virtually everything about each other's lives right now. I realized that if I found out he had been secretly blogging about me, I would secretly blog right back about how outrageous it was that he had kept this from me. So, since I value the honesty he has always shown me, I came clean about the blog. First, he was mortified. When I explained that I wasn't using his real name, he asked what his alias was. He was very unhappy with "Larry", so I told him he could choose his own alias. He chose Rick or Ricky, after Syracuse basketball player Rick Jackson, since he's a fan and because "no one is named Rick anymore."

So "Larry" will heretofore be known as Ricky. Sorry if this causes any confusion, but Ricky looks like he might be around for awhile and I figured this is the least I could do for him. He is, afterall, my pseudo-boyfriend.

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