Friday, December 31, 2010

Hasta La Vista, Baby!

What was up with 2010? So many people really seemed to go through it this year.  On this final day, I'm feeling especially optimistic.  2010 has been... interesting.  Even in my current happy state I am glad to be done with it.  The high road I've been traversing the past few months suddenly has a spectacular view!  I'm grateful to start 2011 way up here.  

I'm ringing in the New Year in the most perfect fashion, surrounded by some of the loveliest people I know (and I daresay, on the planet!).  I'm also grateful that Bono is on Twitter.  He sent me this gem today (yes, he sent it to me):

"Happy New Years!  Let the grief & wrongs of the past stay there & the hope for a better tomorrow remain fearless in you."

Word.  Sending LOVE to you all.  

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Crack is not wack!

Help me Dr. Love Fauxpert!  Where is the line between forcing yourself to be "open" and simply not feeling that "chemistry" (or crack, as i sometimes refer to it) with someone?  
- Crackless

Dear Crackless,

Oh, the crack.  The problematic, beautiful, intangible crack.  That business can get us into trouble, but we need it! Without it, we should just be friends.  As you are undoubtedly discovering, you can't force it.  You can force yourself to give someone a chance, if they are otherwise worthy of your time, but you can't force chemistry.  It's easy to think that I should like this person because he/she is smart or attractive or funny or smells good - but all those factors are irrelevant without that crack. 

Someone once told me that you can't ever really know for sure if you're attracted to someone until you kiss them. And like Helen Hunt posited in "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun", ask yourself: Would I puke if he kissed me?  If not, give it a chance! Otherwise, friends it is!!